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The mobile hunting stand

The revolution of hunting

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The revolution of hunting

Genuinely mobile means - "a hunter" can set up our MobiJagd everywhere in shortest time ALONE without aids. When sitting in a raised hide you have an unbeatable eye level of 5 m at the roof view and a parapet height of 3.60 m! This unique "lightweight" has a total weight of only 380 kg (+-) (500 Quad, Suzuki Jimny - sufficient as towing vehicle). Worldwide the only mobile hunting hides with passed KWF-test. Thanks to the sandwich construction, the hunting blind housing is rot-resistant, thermally insulated and durable. For health reasons, we do not use phenolic resin-coated panels in the construction for our customers! (phenol and formaldehyde)

Unique: Completely noiseless construction! Even with large movements on the hunting stand you will not hear any metallic or creaking noises that can chase away the game! - Due to the fold-out legroom flap ideal for a long time sitting (legs stretched out into the legroom flap and the head leaning against the back cushion), also usable for sleeping - absolutely winterproof!

With our MobiJagd Puch Edition you are flexible and free when stalking your game and can react spontaneously to wind and weather conditions. Even on steep slopes! Please note our references from all over Europe!

Good hunting.

Hunting pulpit for harvest hunting
Die fahrbare Jagdkanzel in Steillage
Die mobile Jagdkanzel in Steillage
Die Mobijagd Puch Edition in Steillage

The successful hide for wild boar hunting from the experience of our successful MobiJagd hunters!

You drive the vehicle combination to the desired hunting location and tilt the canopy into hunting position. The game takes cover and stays put. After two minutes at the latest, you will be sitting silently in the optimal ergonomic hunting position with a corner-free 220 degree field of fire and completely relaxed without knee or neck pain! The game comes out of cover after a certain time. They must have the chance to see, hear or smell the hide or you. It is precisely at this moment that the appropriate shot is taken under optimal conditions.


Customer report from August 7, 2019

Hello Udo, I would like to once again express my enthusiasm and admiration for your ingenious invention, the mobile hunting stand, the Puch miracle weapon against damage caused by game. In the last week alone, I have killed 17 wild boars in my area in Röhn, Bavaria, using this miracle weapon. So thank you again for allowing me to buy the vehicle.

Frank P.

Customer report from November 5, 2019

Hello Mr. Röck, last weekend alone I shot 7 wild boars with your mobile hunting stand Puch Edition. Just like you said, I was hooked straight away and the surprise effect worked! We are now getting a second mobi hunt from you! Thank you for this invention.

Roland H.

Wildschwein Schwarzwild im Winter
KWF Prüfsigel, Sicherheit geprüft,
Straßenzulassung gemäß TÜV-SÜD

Video presentation of our hunting stand

MobiJagd - Die komplette Erklärung der mobilen Jagdkanzel Puch Edition

MobiJagd - Die komplette Erklärung der mobilen Jagdkanzel Puch Edition

Die Mobile Jagdkanzel Mobijagd Puch Edition mit Gasdruck-Stoßdämpfer, Cabrio-Dach und noch mehr Neuigkeiten aus der schwäbischen Erfinderwerkstatt Udo Röck aus Bad Saulgau. Unverrottbare Jagdkanzeln - mobil und stationär von Udo Röck Optimal zur Eindämmung der Afrikanischen Schweinepest (ASP). Unsere Philosophie: Echt mobil heißt - "Jägerin oder Jäger" kann unsere MobiJagd überall in kürzester Zeit (3 Min) ALLEINE aufstellen bei 3,60 m Brüstungshöhe und nur 380 kg Gesamtgewicht! Dieses einzigartige "Leichtgewicht" mit einem Gesamtgewicht (kompletter Anhänger mit Schlafkanzel) von nur 380 kg, kann sogar von einem Quad, unserem Quadix Buggy 4x4 (bei uns zu bestellen) oder dem Suzuki Jimny mit einer Anhängelast von 350 kg (plus 15% Toleranz=402,5kg) gezogen werden. Durch das Stützrad lässt sich die Kanzel von Hand ganz leicht in Position schieben. Das Kanzelgehäuse aus vollisolierten Sandwichplatten in Wohnmobilqualität ist völlig verrottungs-stabil. Höchste Wärme- und Schalldämmung! Auch für die Jagd in kalten Klimazonen geeignet. Aufgrund der schutzrechtlich geschützten Konstruktion benötigt niemand mehr als 5 kg Kraft um die Kanzel (ohne Werkzeug und Hilfsmittel) aufzustellen. Bereits 19 Jägerinnen jagen alleine mit unserer echten mobilen Jagdkanzel. Einzigartig: Selbst bei großen Bewegungen auf der Kanzel werden Sie keinerlei metallische, knarzende Geräusche, die das Wild verjagen, hören! - völlig geräuschlose Konstruktion! - durch die aussklappbare Beinfreiheitsklappe ideal für einen Langzeit-ansitz, Langzeitposition und sogar als Schlafkanzel nutzbar - völlig wintertauglich! Sie können in der Kanzel aufrecht stehen. Durch die vier hochwertigen Drehkurbelstützen ist unsere MobiJagd ideal auch für Positionen in Hanglagen und im Gebirge. Stahlstreben zur Sicherung gegen Stürme sind inklusive.

Interesting facts

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Vehicles available immediately

Here you will find vehicles that are available immediately and with partial or full equipment. 

Zubehör für Puch G / G-Klasse

Zubehörteile für den Puch 230 GE oder die G-Klasse finden Sie Hier. Ersatzteile und weiteres Zubehör gibt es auf Anfrage.

Used Mercedes Puch G

You can purchase the “Swiss Puch-G” from us. Its capabilities and almost indestructible engine make it the perfect hunting vehicle! In any case, the “G” has already achieved cult status and is legendary among off-road vehicles.

We are the German partner of the legal successor organization of Steyr-Daimler-Puch that built the Puch G - the company S-Tec in Albersdorf/Graz

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Our high seats are also available without a chassis.

Our mobile hunting house and its advantages are now known among hunters and not just because of its mobility.The comfortable, ergonomically perfect and low-maintenance hide is also available without a chassis for mounting on a trestle. The sandwich construction from motorhome construction is unique and therefore really thermally insulated! Crucial for the Long-term hide hunt, is the Legroom flap and even as Sleeping opportunity usable!

Driven hunt on the slopes of the Moselle
With K&K premium hunting

This episode of K&K Premiumjagd is primarily about the often unmentioned helpers of a successful driven hunt. It's about the drivers, dog handlers, recovery teams and search teams without whom a successful hunt would hardly be possible. We were there and, as laypeople, we were also able to actively participate. It was exciting and tiring!

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Electrically mobile when hunting. Silent, suitable for off-road use and environmentally friendly - the EVUM

If you are looking for an environmentally friendly and at the same time cost-effective solution for hunting and forestry, in agriculture, in the transport sector or for your company, the robust aCar is exactly the right thing for you. Thanks to its slim dimensions and standard all-wheel drive, the 100% electric transporter is ideal for rough terrain in forests and meadows, especially for hunting, but also for municipal tasks on sidewalks and in parks, in the intralogistics sector, but above all in trades as well as in the tourism industry.


We'll reupholster your seats!

Original SWe source items from Puch, G-Class or other models for youeu. Back seat, folding benches/seats or side panels for your vehicle. 

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Frankonia in Neu-Ulm Shop for hunters, sport shooters, nature and dog lovers, as well as those interested in fashion. Soon also in other branches!


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